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Writer's pictureMiriam McCrea

Gimme a break

In the past year, I’ve known so many folks who have burnt out. Not just “Man, I feel tired today”, but full-on “Here’s my doctor’s note, I need to do some old-timey convalescing at an Alpen sanitorium for the next six months. Please pass me my high-collared Victorian nightgown”. We tend to undervalue rest and sleep (thanks for nothing, Grind Culture), and feel like we’re missing out on something if we go to bed before midnight. I learned a while ago that the only thing I was missing out on was a delicious 8-hour sleep.

Having burned the candle at both ends for way too many years, once life forced me to calm-the-eff-down I realized that I was – gasp! - a Morning Person™. Who was this person? I barely recognized her. Rested, surprisingly not crabby, and productive AF. The things I could accomplish before 9 am on a Saturday! It was like a whole new world, ripe for discovery.

From a fitness perspective, recovery is a crucial element of any solid exercise program. Our bodies need time to restore and repair - most muscle is built during recovery.

Pro tip: don’t view rest as a luxury – that will knock it down your list of priorities. Instead, try viewing it as a non-negotiable, because recovery is for everyone, not just elite athletes. To me, recovery means taking the time to stretch or foam roll if I’m feeling crunchy, taking a nap if I need one, and almost always includes gentle movement like a walk – always outside, never on a treadmill (more on sunlight exposure below).

If you want to feel more rested, try establishing a nighttime routine. Some tips include:

💤Keeping your meal- and bed-times as consistent as possible.

☮️Being mindful of what you consume in the evening and work towards eliminating anything that will wind you up, whether it’s rich foods, upsetting news, or work e-mail notifications. I turned notifications off on my phone years ago and haven’t looked back.

☕It goes without saying that caffeine intake should be limited. I try not to exceed my two morning cups, but if I must have another cup, 1:30pm is my cut-off.

📱Try limiting your screen time, and for the love of Pete don’t bring your phone into your bedroom at night! (I’ll turn a blind eye if it acts as your alarm clock, with wifi and all apps turned off.)

☀️Getting light therapy (exposing yourself to sunlight for 10 or so minutes in the morning) can help you feel more alert during the day, also making you feel sleepy in the evening, hence my comment above about screens, notifications, and other stimulants, which have the opposite effect.

Most importantly, listen to your body, because guess what – it’s always talking to you! Slow down if and when you need to. Put your feet up, take a nap, whatever you need, with ZERO GUILT ←---read that again a few times and really take it in because like that L’Oréal commercial from the 80s YOU’RE WORTH IT 💗

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